Saturday, March 6, 2010

Munchkin Snack Catcher Snack Cup Top Quality

Our baby boy (13 months) is going through teething and loves crunchy snacks. We supply him with a variety of Gerber's Graduates Crunchies (made of corn and somewhat like Cheetos for adults). He loves them. Usually we feed them to him one at a time. Alternatively, we spread out a collection of crunchies on his feeding tray. The problem with the latter is that he tries to grab a fist full and put them all in his mouth at the same time or he sweeps them off the tray and onto the floor.

My wife found this little snack cup in a baby food section of a store and it has worked marvelously well. It has a top with flexible openings. We fill the cup with crunchies and then the boy tries to figure out how to extract them. It didn't take long. After a few minutes he'd stick his fingers or hand into the opening, come out with a crunchie and put it into his mouth. After a few crunches, he'd go after another. The greatest number of crunchies he was able to extract in any one grab was two. What a relief! Now he was eating on his own and with a minimum of spillage onto the floor. Also he seems to enjoy the problem-solving task of removing what he wants from the cup. Plus, we can take the cup along wherever we go and let him work on it to occupy his attention. This is a neat and useful device.

Gary PetersonGet more detail about Munchkin Snack Catcher Snack Cup.

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